Dear reader,
When we launched on the 15th of June 2020 we promised to anyone subscribing that we would not spam you on a daily basis with repeats of the same articles and calls for new articles. That’s, we feel, how people ‘zone out’, because that’s what happens to us when we get spammed day in day out with the same content.
So, it has been a bit quiet. People were on holiday, Gaby got a new job and focused on that ‘a bit’, and Hannah is working really hard on her PhD while trying not to feel too guilty about having some short holiday trips as well. It’s finding that balance with a new project like this of which you don’t know where it will go and real-life, while trying to do your best of making it go somewhere good.
But, with the Summer Holiday season being almost over and things settling in, we are more ready than ever to build on the brilliant articles and engagement that we have been able to share with you so far, and keep the conversation going.
In this short newsletter with some highlighted articles we published over the last 2 months, we also want to tell you a bit more about the newest member of our team, Caroline Duvier, and how we intend to make sure the conversation remains active, open, and disruptive for the right reasons.
As always, we’d love to hear from you if you want to join in the conversation, get in touch with us if there’s anything we can do to help you get the word out about, and stay safe!
All the best and thanks for your continued support,
Gaby, Hannah and…. Caroline!
PS. No, we also can’t believe it’s September already….
Welcome to Caroline Duvier!

Last month we have asked Caroline to join the team, first of all, because she is an amazing and kind person, but also because she writes so brilliantly and relatably about anything to do with housing, research and sustainability.
Caroline worked for a large social housing provider in the North of England between 2016 and 2019, first as a KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnership) Associate, then in various roles dealing with welfare and sustainability. She started her PhD on sustainability in social housing while working there.
Caroline grew up in Germany, studied in the UK, and lived and worked in Germany, the UK, and the USA. She was working closely with a large public housing scheme in the USA on energy efficiency.
Her educational background lies in psychology, with a special interest in environmental psychology. She is interested in all things sustainability, but particularly sustainability in the living environment. Environmental psychology helps us understand how people are influenced by the environment, and how the environment influences people. Sustainability comes into play when trying to create healthy environments that foster well-being for everyone, forever.
Collaboration instead of Competition
One of our key aims with Social Housing Matters is to encourage and facilitate collaboration over competition. We have some exciting collaboration plans in the pipeline ourselves, ranging from working with a university and students doing a housing degree, to finding ways to put our words and ideas into action helping national campaigns and perhaps even developing some applications and (digital) spaces for collaboration in the near future. So keep an eye out for some good news messages coming out over September and October!
If you have a request for collaboration yourself and want to increase your reach, we would be happy to support your shout-out in the form of a Tweet, LinkedIn post, article, vlog or even a podcast. Or TikTok, as the kids use nowadays (yes, we’re kind of old ourselves…). To speak in the wise words of Schitt’s Creek‘s Moira Rose:

Want to receive these in your email?
We mean, who wouldn’t want to? As you can see/read, we won’t spam you multiple times a day, not even weeks, if we haven’t got anything to tell you, we promise!
So, just hit that subscribe button at the top of the page, or, to save you from scrolling back up, just click on this link: